1. Ghosts are more active at night.

Apparently reduced electric disturbances make them and their ghostness more powerful. Or maybe they're also really super-late risers like yours truly.

2. Kids and animals are more likely to sense em.

Of course, the only ones who can sense ghosts are those that speak little and barely make sense or those that don't speak at all. 'Cause presumably, the first rule of Ghost Club is that you don't talk about Ghost Club.

3. Ghosts perpetually stay in a state of dilemma.

Most ghosts don't know they're dead and are always confused and stressed as if stuck in a nightmare. Wait. By that logic, everyone in my office, myself included, is a frikkin' ghost!

4. Ghosts never sleep.

Neither. Do. Humans. I mean, uh, have you heard of the Internet? Nobody ever really sleeps anymore, people. **flashback to me zombie-staring into a screen thinking "

5.they're absolute attention-whores.

Ghosts like to get themselves noticed and grab people's attention... *rolls eyes* I knew it! I always suspected that Kamaal R. Khan was a ghost! Nobody ever listened!

6 . Ghosts can't kill you.

'Cause how will they grab our attention if we're dead? Amirite?! *falls over laughing*
No, turns out they can only make you killyourself by taking over your senses. Uhm. Thanks. That, uh, changes everything. 

7.they create trouble 'cause they're bored.

Oh man. I can SO relate to that. *sigh* That's basically all I did throughout college, people. Not even kidding a little bit.

8. Cats have a special connection with ghosts.

Cats, they say, are the only animal that can actually SEE them. I suppose, the cats told the researchers this during their long discussion about life after death, right after they decided to buy a boat.

9. Ghosts love the scent of lemons.

Really? Did the researcher go on a date with the ghost to find this out? Do they also love the colour green and spend their free time watching rom-coms

10.Mobile phones. They're scared of mobile phones.

Apparently cellphones are killing off ghosts with their electric signals and noises. Wow. Chalo , at least the rules for hanging with real friends AND imaginary friends are all the same - Put the damn phone down!


  1. This article is so cool even though I don't believe in ghost.

  2. This is absolutely funny and interesting to read, though I fear a lot for ghosts!!

  3. This post is really funny and this make me to think that ghost are like cartoon characters.
    ----A. Meenakshi

  4. Though I fear a lot for ghosts , this is really interesting and cool post about ghosts!!


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