1. The adult human has two to nine pounds of bacteria in his or her body.



 2.  There is a species of jellyfish that is immortal (turritopsis nutricula).

3.Napoleon was not unusually short. The French inch was longer than the British inch, so while he was thought to be 5'2" by most of the world, in reality he was closer to 5'7", an average height for a Frenchman.        



4. A small percentage of static on televisions is actually radioactive resonance from the big bang 13 billion years ago.




   5. You replace every particle in your body every seven years. You are literally not the same person you were 7 years ago.






6.Blue whales heart is the size of a VW Beetle and that you could swim through some of its arteries.





 7. If there was no space between any of its atoms, Earth would be the size of a baseball.






8.If you shuffle a deck of cards, chances are that the new order of playing cards has never existed before.




  9. It takes a photon, on average, 200,000 years to travel from the core of the Sun to the surface, then just a little over 8 minutes from the Sun's surface to your eyeball.




10. A pencil has the potential to draw a line 38 miles long.



  1. Mind blowing facts !!!Each and every thing is very new and especially about the particle change in our body is mindblowing!!!!!!

  2. Mind blowing facts !!!Each and every thing is very new and especially about the particle change in our body is mindblowing!!!!!!

  3. Each point in this post make me to think a lot.

  4. Really interesting facts!!

  5. Very interesting and informative article . Thank you for this article!!!


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