
Showing posts from December, 2017
FACTS -ENGLISH LANGUAGE Compared to other languages, English may seem simple, but that is probably because most people don’t realize it is full of crazy inventions, misinterpretations, mistakes, strange words, and needless words! Here are 10 interesting facts about the English language: “I am” is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.  A pangram sentence is one that contains every letter in the language.                                                For example, the sentence “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” is a pangram. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (*breath*) is NOT the longest word in English.                                         Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a type of lung disease caused by inhaling ash and dust. Go ahead and try pronouncing that! There are “ghost words” that mean nothing.              Believe it or not, there are some words that appeared in the dictionary because of printing erro
WHY THE WAY WE ARE??? (Psychological facts) 1. If you announce your goals to others,you're less likely to succeed. Studies confirm that you lose motivation. 2.   The very last person on your mind before you fall asleep is either the reason for your happiness or your pain. 3. Your mind rewrites monotonous speeches of boring people to make it sound interesting. 4. It is possible to die from a broken heart. It's called Stress Cardiomyopathy. 5. While money can buy happiness to an extent, studies show that after Rs.49 lakhs per year, increased income does little to boost happiness. 6. The more you spend on others, the happier you feel. 7.Your decisions are more rational when thought in another language. 8. Smarter people underestimate themselves. Ignorant people think they're brilliant. 9. People between the ages 18 and 33 are the most stressed in the world.  After the age of 33, stress levels tend to reduce. 10.Some of us are actually
            We all need to be proud of our Indian Army. They are the reason behind our peaceful life. They sacrifice their life to save our country.  So it's high time we get to know about them and their achievements. 11 AMAZING FACTS ABOUT INDIAN ARMY 1. The Indian Army was formed in 1776, under the government of the East India Company in Kolkata.  2. The Indian Army has about 53 cantonments and 9 army bases, spread across India.  3. The Siachen Glacier, 5000 metres above sea level, is the highest battlefield in the world. And the Indian Army controls it. 4. The Indian Army is the biggest voluntary army in the world. To think that we have the maximum number of willing soldiers in the world is a matter of great pride. 5. The Military Engineering Services (MES) is one of the biggest construction agencies in India.  6. The Indian Army has a cavalry regiment. There are only 3 such regiments in the world.  7. Assam r

lemon and chilli

  As we all know that our ancestors are really one of the  great scientists because each and everything we follow has a scientific meaning behind that in most of the house we may notice that a lemon with chilli is hanging or placed in a entry of the house.please don't underestimate everything as stupid belives.   the real scientific meaning for that is lemon and chilli  are both rich in different  nutrients which helps our  body in protecting from diseases           If  you want to know more about this then use the following link  ___MEENAKSHI.A
THE FIRST JOURNALIST OF INDIA : MAULANA BAQIR We all know that "Pen is mightier than sword" and there is this forgotten hero of our nation who proves it once again. Maulana Baqir, the first journalist of India ,editor of  Urdu Weekly in Delhi "Delhi Urdu Akhbar"  which played a crucial role in uniting people against the British atrocities, died as a un recognised martyr . Born i n the year 1 790,his   early   education  took place at home under his father. Later  he went to Delhi College . He was well versed in Persian, Arabic, English and Urdu. Then he started the newspaper in 1836,by July 1857 he got involved in the rebellion due to his closeness with Bahadur Shah Zafar. The rebellion started on 10th May in Meerut and next day, the rebel soldiers had reached Delhi and declared the Mughal Emperor Bahadur  Shah Zafar their leader.It hailed the jailbreaks that rebel soldiers were forced into and freed the one' s who also became part of the newspaper.  


1. Ghosts are more active at night. Apparently reduced electric disturbances make them and their ghostness more powerful. Or maybe they're also really super-late risers like yours truly. 2. Kids and animals are more likely to sense em. Of course, the only ones who can sense ghosts are those that speak little and barely make sense or those that don't speak at all. 'Cause presumably, the first rule of Ghost Club is that you don't talk about Ghost Club. 3. Ghosts perpetually stay in a state of dilemma. Most ghosts don't know they're dead and are always confused and stressed as if stuck in a nightmare. Wait. By that logic, everyone in my office, myself included, is a frikkin' ghost! 4. Ghosts never sleep. Neither. Do. Humans. I mean, uh, have you heard of the Internet? Nobody ever really sleeps anymore, people. **flashback to me zombie-staring into a screen thinking " 5.they're absolute attention-whores. Ghosts like to get themselves
I think that we must know about the place we live.  So aren't we supposed to know about our universe?   I want you all to know about some amazing facts about universe that we aren't familiar with.  10 FACTS ABOUT UNIVERSE If you fell in a black hole, you would stretch like spaghetti. Black holes stretch anything that dare to close them.                                         Galaxies can collide.  In fact, our own milky way is due a collision with Andromeda galaxy. Not to worry though, this is going to happen in over 4 billion years from now, and even when it happens, galactic distances are so vast that the chances of a star or a planet hitting each other are almost non-existent.        According to the Einstein theory of relativity, black hole slows down the time by its gravitational pull.                                                  The weirdest moon of all is Uranus’s moon. It seems that it have been gusted apart and then put together again.                   


    When someone sleeps in unfamiliar  surroundings , half their brain does not get a good night's rest. A 2016 study showed one side of the brain stays alert . Experts say the brain evolved that way to stay on guard for predators.     ___MEENAKSHI.A
DO YOU KNOW???   1. A man spent nearly 12 years in coma!!! He says that he heard everything including his mother saying "I HOPE YOU DIE SOON". 2. A man tried to shoot an armadillo but the bullet ricocheted off the shell and hit his mother-in -law. 3. In the early 1900s French gangsters used a weapon called an Apache Revolver that functioned as a revolver, a knife, and brass knuckles. 4. If you sit more than 11 hours per day , there's 50% chance that you'll die within next 3 years. 5. There are at least 6 people in the world who look exactly like you. There's a 9% chance that you'll meet one of them in your lifetime. 6. Sleeping without a pillow  reduces your back pain and keeps your spine stronger. 7. A person's height is determined by their father, and their weight is determined by their mother. 8. There are 3 things that the human brain cannot resist noticing- Food, Attractive people and Danger. 9. There are so many
 1.tHE TIRUMALA RANGES SHOW THE FACE OF LORD BALAJI. Natural Arch in the Tirumala Hills is a distinctive geological wonder located 1 km (0.6 mi) North of the temple, near the Chakra Teertham. The Arch is also called  Silathoranam  in Telugu (“Sila” means ‘rock’ and “thoranam” means a garland strung over a threshold, connecting two vertical columns or an ‘arch’ as in this case). The arch measures 8 m (26.2 ft) in width and 3 m (9.8 ft) in height, and is naturally formed in the quartzites of Cudappah due to natural erosive forces. 2. IT IS RENOWNED FOR ITS EXOTIC DRAVIDIAN ARCHITECTURE. Primarily because its temples have pyramid shaped towers and are constructed of sandstone, soapstone and granite. 3. THIS PLACE IS KNOWN FOR ITS AMAZING LITERACY RATE (87.55%).   What’s even more remarkable is that this is significantly higher than the national average of 73%. 4. THE TOWN IS AN ESTABLISHED CENTER OF ‘VAISHNAVISM’. Around 5th century A.D. was the period duri
SIGNIFICANCE OF INDIAN TRADITIONS AND CULTURAL PRACTICES- All the Indian practices that we have been following,and still try to follow every day,have a significance on its own...Below,I have added a link to a site that talks about how every small practice that our ancestors have been following for generations together,are scientifically proven to bear positive results - Article 1- As you might have noticed,the above article states that Indian eating habits always promote ending the meal with something sweet ....this is not totally is another link to an article which proves how not ending a meal with sweetness,according our traditional practices is beneficial for our health... Article 2- Be proud to be Indian! Jai hind!
   10 AMAZING AND MIND-BOGGLING FACTS YOU PROBABLY DIDN'T KNOW   1. The adult human has two to nine pounds of bacteria in his or her body.                     2.  There is a species of jellyfish that is immortal (turritopsis nutricula).                                           3. Napoleon was not unusually short. The French inch was longer than the British inch, so while he was thought to be 5'2" by most of the world, in reality he was closer to 5'7", an average height for a Frenchman.                                                             4. A small percentage of static on televisions is actually radioactive resonance from the big bang 13 billion years ago.            5. You replace every particle in your body every seven years. You are literally not the same person you were 7 years ago.           6.Blue whales heart is the size