Taken as a whole, cats have excellent memories. However, relationships with humans, individual differences, intelligence, and age may affect memory. Cats adapt to the environment that they are in easily because they can recall what they have learned in the past and adapt these memories to the current situation to protect themselves throughout their lives.
For more details click on the link.
   Many of us would have a pet or atleast had it earlier. A cat which became a regular visitor after feeding it with biscuits and milk everyday, eventually it had become mine . I saw a few generations of theirs growing up in my house .There were few interesting incidents that happened. This is one such incident which made me feel how much  love they have for us.Here comes the incident.
   This cat gave  birth to three kittens.  My neighbour had a dog. As these kittens learnt to walk, they  ended up going there. So we handed over the kittens to one of our acquaintances except one as we couldn't catch hold of it. As the kittens grew up, the mother cat left them and went away. Later on,  it grew up and gave birth also.
      One day, the mother cat which had left about a year ago came back  and it went straight to the cupboard where it had kept its kittens initially. Then it came back to us. Not only it remembered all of us but also started going in between our legs.  That's how they show love and affection towards us.
   I couldn't even imagine that cat would actually come back.  Normally the process is that after giving birth to kittens it would be along until they are ready to be alone which takes about 3 to 4 months. This process keeps on continuing like that. I was surprised that it actually remembered all of us and also the exact place it had kept its kittens.
     Most of us have a tendency to forget what we did yesterday but this cat had remembered the place where it had been almost a year ago. I was surprised by its memory power.


  1. Heartwarming read....Reminded me of a similar incident that I had witnessed! Many people actually underestimate animals' memory power and incidents like these are proof enough that they are wrong !!Open your minds people!
    ~Sowmyalakshmi R.

  2. Actually , I hate cats . But this is intresting....
    -Srilalitha R

  3. Actually this story is really so sweet and is really celebrating the beautiful bonding of animals with human .I really love this story .

  4. This is a world where people forget even their parents , but this cat has proved it's love and showed it's affection to the people who helped it. I too own a cat and I have witnessed the way she fought for her kittens and the love she still have for them even if they have grown up. It's really heartwarming!!!!


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